Cyber Security

In a world full of threats, maintain productivity and compliance with Diversicom.

Diversicom offers the tools you need to keep your business safe

Cybersecurity threats pose the largest risk to the connected businesses of today. Diversicom has been a leader in finding and addressing gaps in technology protection for over 20 years. Trusted by companies nation-wide, we pride ourselves on providing the tools needed to make sure that the technology used by our clients is both compliant and protected.

Our cybersecurity assessment gives you an in-depth look at which areas of technology are working for your company from a risk and profitability standpoint, and which areas need improvement. Using the information from our assessments, our team will work with you to remediate any gaps in your technology strategy; resulting in a safer and more profitable business.

Diversicom employs the following testing methods:

Vulnerability Testing

Employee-related risks pose one of the largest technology risks to an organization. We find these areas of risk and help you fix any gaps in employee training.

Penetration Testing

A form of ethical hacking used to detect and evaluate the security of a company’s technology infrastructure.

Application Testing

Applications in use throughout your organization must maintain a minimum level of security to maintain compliance with the technology standards of today.

Disaster Recovery Testing

Even the most secure organizations must ensure that disaster recovery protocols are well-defined and tested. These systems minimize risk when the unexpected happens.

24/7 Cybersecurity Monitoring

Diversicom’s available 24/7 cybersecurity monitoring services watch your infrastructure around the clock, giving you peace of mind that any credible threat detected will be met with instant action.

Contact us

Partner with us for Comprehensive IT

We’re happy to answer any questions you may have and help you determine which of our services best fit your needs.

Your benefits:
What happens next?

We Schedule a call at your convenience 


We do a discovery and consulting meeting 


We prepare a proposal 

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